TRULY SQUIRREL-PROOF: Openings in the shroud align with the feeding ports, providing birds access to the food. When a squirrel climbs onto the feeder, its weight automatically forces the shroud down, closing access to the ports. Squirrels and some large birds are foiled but not harmed in any way
HOLDS 2 5x5 Suet cakes
DETACHABLE COMPONENT SYSTEM: Squirrel Buster squirrel-proof bird feeders are designed to be dismantled by hand into individual components without the use of tools. This allows for easy cleaning and maintenance
GREASE-FREE HANDLING: No more greasy fingers, with mess free suet loading
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PAYS FOR ITSELF IN SAVED FOOD: Squirrels can no longer steal your wild bird food. Over a short period of time this adds up to substantial savings that will pay for the purchase of your feeder.
CRUMB PORT: No suet is wasted! Crumbs fall to the Crumb Port where birds recycle them